Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 3
Singular pronouns such as each, every, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, one, many a, anything, either, neither,etc. require singular verbs.
A. Each has his assignment.
B. Many an amateur singer has become interested in singing because of a role in a school play.
C. Nobody has the right to intrude into my private thoughts.
Note: SIP (Singular Indefinite Pronouns) -require-> SV (Singular Verbs)
Exercise 03
Directions: Read the following statements and identify the correct verbs to be used in the sentences below.
1. One of the basketball players (was, were) too exhausted to continue playing.
2. Every mother and father (is, are) expected to attend the meeting.
3. Someone (knocks, knock) gently at the door.
4. Each visitor (is, are) allowed to buy some goods.
5. Every one of these plays (is, are) worth seeing.
- Intensive English Book
grammar, 14-04-20 16:23, 14-05-07 19:58, Marz