Learning English to be..

Digging up bamboo shoots! 竹の子を掘ってみた!

It's Showa Day in Japan and it's a holiday. How does Chika enjoy her holiday? Just a quick overview, Chika, together with her friend Maruka, goes to a bamboo forest. Digging out, peeling off, eating bamboo shoots! Plus a short performance from bamboo band! Such a clever way to spend the holiday.


"I am in a bamboo forest. What we're here for today is to get some bamboo shoots."
"And I've got Maruka with me. She's taking footage of her own. It's really wet, it's really like moist. They're so fuzzy and soft."
"We're going to pick some bamboos dig them out and eat them."
"You want to find a bamboo shoot that has a nice, round, big butt-- a bootylicious bamboo and then you're going to take this really heavy too and dig it out."
"Reminds me of summer when all of the lawns around the neighborhood are freshly mowed."
"We picked up some sannsho in our way here. This is Japanese pepper."
Noun. scenes or action recorded on film or video
Adjective. slightly or barely wet: not completely dry
Adjective. covered with short, soft hairs, fur
Noun. buttocks - often used as a euphemism for ass in idiomatic expressions
Adjective. sexually attractive, esp with curvaceous buttocks
Verb. to cut the standing herbage (as grass) of

About the page

We are Chika's Japanagos Channel enthusiasts. Through her wonderful and informative videos we learn English language and the Japanese unique culture. Chika's silent strength and prowess in presenting interesting topics capture us to follow her channel in Youtube. We picked up three significant sentences and five unfamiliar words from the video for you to ponder. So, let's learn English and Japanese culture together!

japanagos, 15-05-27 23:36, 15-05-28 22:44, Marz

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