Fight a losing battle!
Used when one is doing something where there is very little or no chance of success.
I am fighting a losing battle for this project. Day by day I am slowly losing my hope too.
idiom, 15-01-23 16:31, 15-01-23 16:31, Marz
This idiom is used in biblical context. The story "The Character of Paul" specifically in Chapter 21: His Trustfullness used this idiom and considered to be the oldest. "...Because Paul is sure of God in Christ, he is. certain of victory. Man can be delivered
from his sins. He does not fight a losing battle. He can be freed from the sense of guilt.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." He knows this
from his own experience..."
15-01-30 15:04, Marz Dee Rivera
I'll keep looking for the origin. And I'll tell you as soon as I can get the answer.
15-01-30 14:33, Marz Dee Rivera
Hi billdad!Have been searching the origin of "fight a losing battle" and I haven't found the correct answer yet. I read a quotation "A wise person would retreat when fighting a losing battle; a foolish person would fight until there is nothing left to lose" (Sheila Cheng) by accident and I loved the meaning of this quotation. As my way of sharing, I posted the idiom "fight a losing battle".
15-01-30 14:28,
will you please give me the orgin of the idiom fight a loosing battle
15-01-29 22:53, billdad